Buy C-O-L-O-U-R-S Music

Yes, you can buy the music from our C-O-L-O-U-R-S artists.
Remember: Buying music is not expensive and you directly support the artists involved.
We can not stress this fact too often.



C-O-L-O-U-R-S Bandcamp link

We opened up a Bandcamp account. So next to all the online music stores, you can find the releases, done by c-o-l-o-u-r-s themselves, there. Be certain to have a look if you are interested in our music.



logo musiczeitIf you are looking for high quality files, or the possibility to burn the music to a CD, then we recommend you to surf to musiczeit. On this website you can buy our music in flac-files, which you can play, or convert to 16-bit wav-files for cd-audio quality. We also supply nice cover art work there, so what are you waiting for? Musiczeit is an interesting site for other good electronic music too. You find there music going from ambient to Berliner Schüle.



You can also find C-O-L-O-U-R-S music on the main music-download websites that you can find on the internet. You can download from these sites mp3-files for your enjoyment. Next is a list which is far from complete, but might help you on the way:

logo emusic

logo itunes

logo amazon

logo musicload

logo rhapsody

logo mediamarkt
